Creating Flexible Routes for Application Forms
Supporting complex application routes with approvals, reviews, conditions, etc.
Same application form can take different route depending on its contents such as payment amount. Even if you don't know flow rules, the system can route applications automatically. You only need to apply/approve applications. You do not have to specify a single user as an approver/reviewer. You can set multiple users and representative users to approve/review applications. When a single user needs to have two or more roles/positions (e.g. by new projects and reorganizing employees), you can set multiple roles/positions to his/her account.
Rich Contents of Application Forms
Rich and various input types including calculations and actions
Workflow is equipped with various input types such as text, date, selection, calculation, attachment, table, and more. You can also change input items at each process step of application.
Applying/Approving Applications from Anywhere with Mobile Devices
Providing sophisticated user interfaces for smartphones and iPad, and you won't miss business opportunities.
Cloudware supports user interfaces for iPhone, iPad, and Android. You can use Workflow comfortably just as the usability of your mobile devices you are used to. Email notifications will be sent to approvers of applications. After you confirm application contents, you just need a tap to approve or reject it. Even when you are busy at a place outside your office, you can check all your applications.
Available in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Languages
Cloudware supports worldwide business.
Cloudware is available in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages and supports to display in your local time. Each user can select his/her language and time zone. Cloudware makes global business activities smooth and efficient.
User Account Management
Import user information from Google account and CSV files.
Cloudware account can be created from Google account. You can import and export organization, role, and user information with CSV files, and this makes it easy to input and output data of large companies. You can also create maintenance plan by registering updated data in advance and set a date to apply the update.
Using Data Generated by Workflow
Reuse the data extracted from approved/reviewed applications.
The data processed with Workflow, such as time sheets and purchasing materials, really becomes useful after being approved/reviewed. Cloudware Workflow is capable of exporting data to database tables you designed. You can also extract the data with CSV files and Google Drive. You can reuse the data in various purposes such as materials for data analysis and as input data for your company's system.